Our Blog: Bringing out the Best of You

Helpful tips to support you during stressful times and when you find it challenging to be your best self.

Blog 1 - Five Strategies for Self-Care
Rachel Strong Rachel Strong

Blog 1 - Five Strategies for Self-Care

You have probably heard the saying “you can’t pour from an empty cup” meaning that in order to be there for others we need to prioritise ourselves first and foremost. This may not be easy given life’s competing priorities - work, study, friends, family commitments and a busy social calendar and it is likely that we have all experienced “burn out” at some point or another.

In this, the first of our monthly Blogs, we explore five simple tried and tested strategies to replenish our reserves, rebalance and restore:

1. Take care of the basics

Prioritise your basic needs as an essential first step - “fit your own oxygen mask before helping others”. Stop, breathe and ask yourself “what do I need right now in this moment?” Are you thirsty, hungry, tired, restless, disconnected? Take those immediate, simple actions to ensure that your basic needs are being met – have a snack, glass of water, take a short nap, read something inspiring, speak to a loved one and/or go for a short walk.

2. Review and re-prioritise

Consider everything that you have committed to doing and how you are currently prioritising your time, energy and thought. Are there things you are working on that you could eliminate for a while until you get your well-being back on track? Do you really need to do everything yourself – or can you delegate, drop or delay some tasks to take the pressure off so you can focus on your own needs for a while? Don’t feel guilty for saying “No” to additional workloads if it does not serve you or your values or is likely to overload you!

3. Shift your Mindset

Are you burning energy worrying about a problem or thought? Could a change in perspective towards it help lighten the mental load? Make a conscious decision “not to sweat the small stuff” and give yourself the time and space to focus on what really matters to you. Give yourself unconditional love and try not to let others’ standards or expectations define you. Feed your soul with mindfulness, positive thinking, joy and kindness. Having a positive mindset not only makes space for good things to happen, but it also helps you be more resilient when life becomes tough.

4. Schedule your self-care

Plan in a weekly self-care night – block out your diary and prioritise this time to yourself. Establish a routine that suits you. Some ideas might include – switch off your phone, pop on your favourite music, run yourself a hot tub, indulge in your favourite beauty products (moisturisers, candles or essential oils), slip on your favourite pyjamas, sip on some herbal tea or hot chocolate, read a book and/or simply go to bed an hour or two earlier. Creating this regular habit and sticking to it will ensure you at least get some time each week for you to rest and recharge.

5. Learn what nurtures you

Do a little more of what you enjoy (and a little less of what you don’t ….). Ask yourself what do you need more of in your life? More time with friends, more books, theatre, more exercise, more fun? Consciously shift your focus towards building in more joy and happiness every day – it doesn’t even need to be big changes. Enjoying a glass of iced tea or water outdoors before the dinner/bed-time crazy starts or taking 10 mins in the morning to savour your coffee. You’ll be amazed what a difference these small, mindful changes can make to your overall mental state – and the benefits really do add up!

In our next blog we explore the importance of setting and managing boundaries (at work, home and play) on your well-being and give some top tips for success!

Stay well – and see you next time!

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